Pareto Principle also known as 80-20 Rule is a revolutionary concept in boosting productivity if applied to life, business, work, health, & relationship related activities properly.

I have seen people working day in and day out not getting results. It leads to frustration when you invest a lot of time and effort into something and still don’t get equivalent results.

You do want to succeed in whatever work you are doing: Getting good grades, clearing govt. exams, learning new skill-set, getting a job, improving love life, etc. Right!

It’s just tough to do when you are doing it the wrong way!

I will tell you in-depth How to Apply 80-20 Rule so that you can Boost your Results in no time.

The breakdown of what we’ll cover in this article:

What is The 80-20 Rule?

80-20 Rule says that your 80 percent success and results in life can be achieved by putting in 20 percent right directional efforts.

This creates the difference between “Hard Work and “Smart Work.

For Example: If you appear in any exam without seeing the previous year’s papers and you prepare without looking at the weightage of the topic. You might end up doing 80 percent of the topics and wrong type of questions that appear only 20 percent of the time.

The Vice-versa is also true.

80-20 Rule Is All about finding those 1st 20 percent actions that can have the best impact on your work progress. This principle has validity in any type of work.

Some Examples of 80-20 Rule:

Pareto Principle or 80-20 Rule was named on Vilfredo Pareto, an economist who found that “80% of the land in Europe was owned by 20% of the population.” And similar pattern was observed elsewhere too.

The Success of Pareto’s principle was visible in other areas of research also:

  1. 20% of Clients generate 80% of revenues in businesses.
  2. 20% of People own 80% wealth in the world.
  3. 20% Major code errors are responsible for 80% of Crashes in the application.
  4. 20% of Activities are responsible for 80% Happiness in Life.

How To Apply: “The Pareto Principle” Quickly!

First of all, Remember, Pareto’s principle can be applied in many areas of your life. You pick which area of life you want to apply it to.

The 80-20 Rule, The Pareto Principle, 80/20 rule, The Pareto Rule: Productivity

Steps: Start with research & planning. That’s the 20% that will bring you 80% results.

  1. First of all “Write all the things you can possibly do to improve”.
  2. Rate those actions in terms of impact on the result and output they deliver.
  3. Whichever actions account to deliver the most impacting result, start there.

Now if you are on a big project lots of action items would be showing up daily.

You don’t want to do all of them, in fact, you don’t need to do all of that. Repeat the process daily and only do whatever leads to goals faster.

Basic Application: 80/20 Rule in Various Areas of Life

In Health: Many CEOs like Jack Dorsey, Founder of Twitter Prefer to do “7 Minute Scientific Workout” as it provides the best full-body results in so less time.

In Productivity: Every Successful Person on the planet starts their day by planning it because this is the 20% work that helps them win each and every day.

In Happiness: Write what you are grateful for, give thanks to everyone and supernatural power you believe in for your existence in the world… One activity will account for most of the contentment of your life.

In Relationship: Just go and tell everyone in your life the One thing you like about them and see the magic. If you find another ever go and tell that too.

It’s not tough to change your life. You just need the right strategies beside you.

Myths Around The 80-20 Principle!

  1. If you think 80-20 principle is just doing 20 percent work and not putting your 100 percent into work. Nope.

It’s the optimization technique that guides you to find out and do what’s the most important thing to do first. Yes, it saves time to deliver high results.

2. You would never need to do anything out of the 80% task list! No.

Sometimes there are low-value tasks but they are important to keep the rest of the things going. You do them but your energies are broadly focused on what delivers the result.

3. You think it as a hard and fast 80-20 rule! It Isn’t.

80-20 is a reference percentage around which everything works. Not necessarily only 2 things out of your 10 items in your to-do list are goona be workable. The number can go more or less.

Summary: People don’t start their days with the most important tasks, they start with the easiest tasks.

Your job is to pick the most important tasks and start from there.

Ask Yourself: What actions will be delivering major results to my work.

To Reach Automation in decision making about your actions – You need to ask this question every single day.

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