Coronavirus has caused chaos all around the world. Till now 5,49,474 people have been affected by this disease worldwide and 24,883 people have lost their lives. Coronavirus is showing up as one of the worst pandemics of all the time.

In amid of this spreading disease, a piece of shocking news is coming from North Korea where Kim Jong-un ordered to shoot a coronavirus affected person in North Korea to prevent the spread of disease.

According to Insydfeed, the bureaucrat had returned from China a few days back and had been identified as positive for Coronavirus.

The bureaucrat had been quarantined as a preventive measure and on secretly using a public facility he has been charged with the “Military Law”. Although there were no signs of virus spread from the person to others still he has been ordered to shot dead, according to a Korean newspaper “Donga”.

North Korea claims to be a Coronavirus free country and Kim Jong-un has told the country’s top officials that “if the infectious disease which is spreading beyond control finds its way into North Korea, it will entail serious consequences”.

Where on the one side governments of all the countries are trying to control the pandemic and trying to protect their citizens from the disease on the other side we are seeing the face of extreme dictatorship steps to prevent the virus spread.

The Question Is: “To what degree such measures are right for humanity.”

Must Read: 5 Food Items to Increase Immunity Instantly and Avoid Corona Virus

Also Read: How To Make Hand Sanitizer at Home: Dr. Ian Smith.