3 Mistakes People do Working Hard & Not Smart

Our success in life can not be measured by how hard are we working. Working hard is just one of the parameters of success. No of hours putting in the work is not enough, efforts in the right direction and working with efficiency are equally important to create great things in life. Here are the: […]
3 Step Pre-Plan Strategy for Effective Work

We all want to make our work sessions more effective but then a lot of us fail at the first step that’s “How to start the right way?” A lot of us follow the perfect recipes that lead to fail in being focused during work. A Pre-Plan Routine is a critical component to boost work […]
The Pareto Principle:- Aka 80-20 Rule “Achieve More with Less Work”

Pareto Principle also known as 80-20 Rule is a revolutionary concept in boosting productivity if applied to life, business, work, health, & relationship related activities properly. I have seen people working day in and day out not getting results. It leads to frustration when you invest a lot of time and effort into something and […]
How To Utilize Time When “Home Quarantine”

Spending days at home can be challenging for you. The same time can be spent in fun or can be utilized well for your personal & professional growth. By default, we are not in a habit of planning our days and life for optimal productivity and so when we’re hit with long vacations and leaves, […]
7 Amazing Benefits of Meditation: Fight with Modern Life Distractions & Challenges

Undoubtedly a lot of researches have been conducted and have verified the ultimate benefits of Meditation. There are certain areas of life we all want to grow in and meditation can be used as a tool to improve these areas of life. 7 Ultimate Benefits of Meditation Are: 1. Self Control Self Control can be […]